03.46 Edit This 2 Comments »
Tau grup musik "BOND" kan? Itu tuh 4 cewek cantik yang bermain alat musik gesek (violin, viola, dan cello). Let's check tihs out!. Waw, they are really talented. Gue suka banget sama tangga nada yang mereka mainin. Well, saat ini gue lagi seneng banget mempelajari lagu-lagu mereka. Yang kali ini sedang gue pelajarin itu Allegretto dan Expolsive. Menantang banget tuh lagu, tapi gue juga mau belajar Victory-nya Bond. Cuma susah banget dan pasti bisa bikin gue gila buat pelajarin lagu itu.

Gue tertarik banget banget deh, setelah tertarik sama THE CORRS, gue juga tertarik sama grup musik yang lain juga. pokoknya, I LOVE BOND'S

Aren't they great? hohohohohohohoho


08.11 Edit This 0 Comments »
Karangan saya untuk Mutiara Bangsa 

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07.39 Edit This 0 Comments »

Yeahhh... Gue bingung mau kuliah apa. Minat gue sih sebenernya pengen hubungan internasional. Yah, seengganya gue bisa bahasa Inggris, Mandarin, Spanyol (bukannya asombong ya). Tapi kalo gue ambil HI, gue mesti pelajarin HUKUM..! Udah tau gue gak suka HUKUM.. Males banget berurusaan sama hal itu. Mau kuliah kedokteran, takut sama mayat, darah, dll. Mau kuliah sastra, takut gak cerah prospeknya. Kata guru gue sih Hubungan Internasional tuh jarang yang minat, kalo HI nanti bakal calon DIPLOMAT ato gak DUTA BESAR. Nah, gue pengen banget tuh. Menarik sih, tapi gue mesti belajar HUKUM..!
Soal kampus mana yang bakal gue impikan, sebenarnya banyak banget. Kalo Gue beruntung, gue mau banget masuk Universitas Indonesia (UI) buat ambil Hubungan Internasionalnya. Kalo misalnya gue gak diterima di UI, gw udah ada planning di Swiss German University (SGU) buat ambil jurusan Public Relation (PR). Tapi gue juga mau coba-coba beasiswa ke Jerman. Buat kuliah di sana, gue harus mengorbankan banyak hal. Gue gak bakal ketemu keluarga selama beberapa lama, gue harus hidup berjuang di negeri orang, dan lebih pahitnya lagi, gue gak akan ketemu orang yang gue sayang. Yang gue takutkan, pas gue balik ke kampung halaman, dia udah jadi suami orang, dan orang itu tuh ternyata temen deket gue sendiri. Tapi amit-amit lah ya. Gue tetep berdoa yang terbaik untuk semua orang. SEMOGA SEMUA MAKHLUK HIDUP BERBAHAGIA.. hehehe


07.25 Edit This 0 Comments »
Yihaaaaaaa... Akhir-akhir ini gue lagi suka sama film-film yang romantis gitu. Kayak Music and Lyrics, yang soundtrack lagunya "Way back into love", terus film yang diperanin sama Kate Winslet yang bertema natal gitu, tapi gue lupa judulnya. Hemm, kenapa ya? Padahal gue aja gak punya pacar, bisa tertarik sama film romantis begini. Sebenernya, gue pingin banget punya pacar, tapi bukan sembarang pacar. Kenapa bukan sembarang pacar?

Jawabannya, karena gue gak mau kalo pacar gue itu orang lain selain si *nama tidak disebutkan*. Ya ampun, gue gak mau postingan gue yang ini berbau orang itu. Yah, kembali ke topik, gue jadi tertarik sama film romantis baru-baru ini doang, pas gue SMA. Mungkin karena gue udah beranjak remaja, makanya suka film-film yang mengharukan dan menggembirakan.

Ya ternyata masa-masa SMA itu indah ya. Bener kata orang-orang, kita akan menemukan jati diri kita, ketika kita sudah SMA. Kita hobby apa, pasti ketauan pas SMA, kita ancur, pasti pas jaman SMA.


06.37 Edit This 0 Comments »

My friends probably have been really bored with my moan. But I can't hide my feeling to someone who I've loved for so long. I met him when I was in second grade of junior high school. He was in the third grade when I got crush into him. I have no reason how could I love him. There were actually so much I want to share to my blog. But I can't stand to share about him more. And now, I am in the second grade of senior high school, and He is in the third grade. Sooner or later, I'll be apart from him. Every time I just log in my facebook only for waiting the approval from him.

Am I really stupid doing this? Just keep waiting for him that might never think of approving me. I don't know when he approves me. Just stupidly waiting, logging in, hoping, and dreaming that someday he will chat me. Is it awkward that he hasn't approved me, but on the other situation, he adds my enemy? Don't you ever think about me even only a little?

Don't you know I am hurt and ashamed? I can't even cry over you again, coz my tears has gone away. My eyes don't tear my tears again. But My heart, it always cries over you. Every little time, I always think about you. Think about the moment I met you and the time I will lose you. Loving you is hurting myself. Though I've been trying so a thousand ways to kill you in my mind, it's useless. Never ever forget you. No more reason for loving you. If only you can see the tears in my heart, If only you could hear my moans. I shiver when I know you've loved another girl. I imagine to write this note to you :

To the best boy in my life.

I wrote this because I can't say anything to you again. 'Cause my heart is so much hurt by you. Though you don't ever realize what have you done to me. In my mind, there's nothing bad in you. 'Cause all I see is only PERFECTION. You probably always think that you are so fool to love me. But I don't ever. Others always offend you when you're not with them, but I always tell you good to everyone. I never want to do what they do to you. You surely think I am cheap, I am bad, and more. Because in your mind, I mean nothing to you. But actually, I have no courage to tell you the best. To tell you that you are the only one I love till my time's through. And finally, just keep in your mind If you one time read this, " You're not forgotten, Boy. You're always in my deepest heart wherever you are, whatever you do. I love you more than you think".

If only he opened this blog and read those above.
I am not broken hearted, there's no more words to express what I'm feeling for you
NB : My heart was screaming and crying so loud when I wrote this.